Cord Cutting 101: Step-By-Step Guide To Reclaim Your Energy

In this post, you'll learn what cord cutting is, how to perform it in 3 different methods, and when it’s a good time to perform such a ritual, and so much more!

Cord Cutting 101: Step-By-Step Guide To Reclaim Your Energy - SageSistas

Have you ever felt stuck or drained by a past relationship, even long after it’s ended?

Are you looking for a way to release old connections that weigh you down emotionally and spiritually?

If so, you might be interested in learning about the energetic cord cutting ritual. This practice is all about cutting those invisible ties that connect us to others in ways that are no longer beneficial.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about what cord cutting is, how to perform it, and when it’s a good time to perform such a ritual. Plus, we’ll guide you step-by-step through different cord cutting methods to help you reclaim your energy and peace of mind!

1. What Is Energetic Cord Cutting?

Cord Cutting 101: Step-By-Step Guide To Reclaim Your Energy - SageSistas
Image source: Pinterest

Cord cutting is a metaphysical practice intended to sever emotional, spiritual, or psychic ties between two people. These ties, often visualized as cords, are energetic connections that form between individuals through close relationships, particularly intense or intimate ones.

While some energetic ties can be positive and mutually enriching, cord-cutting focuses on removing negative connections that persist and impact your emotional well-being and energy levels.

The cord cutting concept is based on the belief that these connections, even if no longer physically present, can continue to influence or drain a person’s energy.

You might want to perform an energetic cord cutting ritual when you feel stuck, burdened, or negatively attached to someone, preventing you from moving forward or achieving emotional peace.

Cord cutting can be performed through various rituals, often involving visualization, the use of symbolic objects like strings or candles, or meditative practices.

The purpose of cord cutting is to consciously and intentionally release the bond, allowing for emotional healing and reclaiming of personal energy. It's considered a form of spiritual hygiene, helping to maintain emotional health and energetic balance.

Disclaimer: While cord-cutting is a powerful tool for emotional and spiritual healing, it is not a substitute for necessary legal or physical safety measures, especially in the context of abusive relationships.

Those in dangerous situations should prioritize their physical safety and seek appropriate legal guidance alongside any spiritual practices!

2. What Are Energetic Ties and How Do They Form?

Cord Cutting 101: Step-By-Step Guide To Reclaim Your Energy - SageSistas
Image source: Pinterest

Energetic ties are spiritual bonds that manifest between people through deep, meaningful interactions, especially during emotional or sexual encounters.

These connections are not just memories or feelings but are tangible energetic threads that can influence your spiritual and emotional well-being. They form as you engage intimately with others, sharing vulnerabilities, emotions, and energy, creating links that can have lasting effects.

These energetic ties can have a dual impact—they can either nourish or deplete your emotional and spiritual energy. When healthy, these connections support mutual growth, comfort, and enrichment.

However, when they turn negative or one-sided, they can lead to feelings of exhaustion, sadness, or being energetically drained.

For example, in Hindu traditions, there is often an emphasis on managing physical contact to protect personal spiritual energy. It is because unnecessary contact can lead to energy loss or the unwarranted exchange of energies, which could impact your spiritual health.

That's why sister, you should always be mindful of how and with whom you share your energy!

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3. How To Perform A Cord-Cutting Ritual Step-by-Step?

Cord Cutting 101: Step-By-Step Guide To Reclaim Your Energy - SageSistas

Here are three common methods for performing a cord-cutting ritual: the candle method, the string method, and the visualization method.

1. Candle Method

  1. Prepare Your Space: Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. You might want to cleanse the area by burning sage or palo santo to clear negative energies.
  2. Set an Intention: Light a candle, preferably black or white, as these colors are associated with protection and purification. As you light the candle, set your intention aloud or silently. For example, you could say, "I release the ties that bind us and reclaim my energy."
  3. Visualize the Cord: Close your eyes and visualize the cord that connects you to the other person. This cord usually stems from your solar plexus, heart, or sacral chakra.
  4. Cut the Cord: Imagine a tool like a knife, scissors, or even just a flame from the candle burning through the cord. See the cord being completely severed and the ends turning to ash.
  5. Close the Ritual: As the candle burns down, envision the connection dissolving entirely. When ready, safely extinguish the candle. Some choose to let the candle burn out on its own in a safe place, symbolizing the complete end of the connection.
  6. Aftercare: Ground yourself with light physical activity, hydration, or eating something. Reflect on your feelings and any changes in your emotional state.

2. String Method

  1. Gather Materials: You will need a piece of string or yarn, and a pair of scissors, a knife, or any sharp object.
  2. Symbolize the Connection: Hold the string and think deeply about the relationship you are seeking to sever. Tie knots in the string to represent different aspects or memories of the relationship that you find particularly binding or painful.
  3. Cut the String: Using your scissors or knife, cut through each knot as you continue to visualize severing each specific aspect of the relationship. As you cut each knot, affirm your intention to release that part of the connection.
  4. Dispose of the String: After cutting, dispose of the string pieces in a manner that symbolizes letting go, such as burying them, throwing them away outside of your home, or burning them safely.
  5. Closure Ritual: Cleanse yourself physically and energetically, possibly taking a bath with sea salt or another cleansing agent.

3. Visualization Method

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Ensure you are in a comfortable and quiet space without distractions.
  2. Relax and Meditate: Sit or lie down comfortably. Begin by taking deep breaths to center yourself. Enter a meditative state by focusing on your breath or using a guided meditation if needed.
  3. Visualize the Cord: Picture the energetic cord that connects you to the other person. It might appear as a rope, chain, or beam of light.
  4. Sever the Cord: Imagine a tool like a sword or scissors cutting the cord, or use your hands to pull it apart. Visualize the cord dissolving or turning to dust.
  5. Heal the Area: Once the cord is cut, imagine a healing light or energy covering the area where the cord was attached to you, healing any wounds or scars left behind.
  6. Ground Yourself: After the ritual, perform grounding activities. This could be walking barefoot on the earth, eating grounding foods, or doing gentle yoga.

These methods offer different approaches to the same end: reclaiming your personal energy and moving forward with emotional clarity. Choose the method that resonates most with you or that fits best with the materials you have available.

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4. When To Perform A Cord Cutting Ritual?

Performing a cord-cutting ritual can be highly beneficial at certain times to help you regain emotional and spiritual balance. Here are some situations when it might be particularly appropriate to perform this ritual:

  1. After a Breakup or Divorce: When a significant relationship ends, lingering emotional ties can make it difficult to move forward. A cord-cutting ritual can help you release the connection and heal.
  2. When Feeling Stuck: If you feel stuck or haunted by a past relationship or encounter that keeps impacting your current emotional state or relationships, cutting cords can be a way to energetically clear those influences.
  3. During Times of Personal Transformation: If you’re undergoing a significant personal change, such as moving to a new place, starting a new job, or embarking on a new phase of life, cord-cutting can help you release old energies and embrace new experiences with a clean slate.
  4. If Experiencing Repeated Negative Patterns: Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves repeating the same negative patterns in relationships or personal behaviors. Cord cutting can address unseen energetic ties that might be contributing to these cycles.
  5. Before Starting a New Relationship: Clearing old bonds and energies before entering a new relationship can ensure that past dynamics do not influence new interactions, allowing for healthier connections.
  6. When Healing from Trauma or Loss: If you’re healing from emotional trauma or loss, cutting cords can be an important step in the healing process, helping to sever the pain and allowing you to reclaim your energy and focus on recovery.
  7. When You Feel Drained or Overwhelmed: If certain relationships consistently leave you feeling drained or overwhelmed, this might be a sign of unhealthy energetic ties that need addressing through a cord cutting ritual.

It’s important to approach the ritual when you are in a relatively stable emotional state to ensure that your intentions are clear and grounded.

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5. Does The Cord Cutting Ritual Work?

Cord Cutting 101: Step-By-Step Guide To Reclaim Your Energy - SageSistas

The effectiveness of cord cutting depends largely on your personal beliefs, the intention behind the practice, and how it's integrated into one's broader emotional and spiritual life.

Spiritual Perspective:

Many who practice spiritual or energy-based healing modalities believe in the efficacy of cord cutting. They view it as a valuable tool for releasing emotional and psychic ties, which are seen as real and influential on one's energy and emotional health. For those who engage in these practices, cord cutting can provide significant emotional relief and a profound sense of liberation from past burdens.

Psychological Perspective:

From a psychological standpoint, the ritual of cord cutting can be beneficial as a symbolic act that helps individuals process and let go of past relationships or traumatic events. Engaging in a ritual can provide a sense of closure, empowering one to move forward. It’s a form of ritualistic therapy that can help contextualize feelings and actions, contributing to emotional healing.

Placebo Effect:

Some may attribute the benefits of cord cutting to the placebo effect. If a person believes that the ritual will help them let go of negative connections and improve their emotional state, this belief alone can catalyze significant changes in their psychological well-being.


Whether or not cord cutting "works" can depend on your expectations and beliefs. If you approach it with sincerity and integrate it into a holistic practice of self-care and reflection, you'll find it a useful tool for facilitating emotional release and healing.

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6. Is It Dangerous To Do Cord Cutting Rituals?

Cord cutting rituals are generally safe when approached with care, but they can have significant emotional and psychological impacts. Here are some key considerations for ensuring a safe and beneficial experience:

  1. Emotional Preparedness: Be ready for potential strong emotional reactions. Avoid performing the ritual during times of acute emotional distress.
  2. Support System: Have a support system in place or consult with a mental health professional, especially if you have underlying mental health conditions.
  3. Holistic Approach: Don’t rely solely on cord cutting for healing. Combine it with professional therapy, social support, and healthy lifestyle practices.
  4. Spiritual Grounding: Engage in grounding activities post-ritual to stabilize your energy and avoid feeling spiritually overloaded.
  5. Proper Guidance: If new to spiritual practices, seek guidance from experienced practitioners to ensure the ritual is done correctly and with positive intentions.

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7. Final Thoughts

Remember that cord cutting is more than just a ritual; it's a heartfelt commitment to yourself and your emotional well-being. Each step in this process is an act of self-love and liberation, freeing you from the past bonds that no longer serve your spirit or contribute to your growth.

Whether you choose to use a candle, a piece of string, or simply the power of your own mind, perform this ritual with an open heart and a clear intention, and allow yourself to step into a brighter, lighter future.

Let them go and move forward!

As SageSistas, we share insightful tips and engaging content to support women's journey toward reclaiming ancient feminine wisdom.
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8. Frequently Asked Questions About Cord Cutting

1. What is the mantra for cord cutting?

A common mantra used during cord cutting is: "I release all ties and attachments that no longer serve my highest good. I reclaim my energy and peace."

2. What to say during cord cutting?

During cord cutting, you might say: "I sever all energetic ties with [person's name] and release our connection with love and respect for my own healing and growth."

3. What is the Native American cord cutting ritual?

Native American traditions may not specifically refer to "cord cutting" as commonly understood in New Age practices. However, they often include rituals for purification and release, such as smudging with sage to clear negative energies and emotional ties, combined with prayers or chants to support personal and spiritual renewal.

4. What is the cord-cutting ritual for toxic relationships?

A cord-cutting ritual for toxic relationships involves visualizing the energetic cord that ties you to the other person and mentally or physically 'cutting' it while affirming your intent to let go. This can be done using visualization techniques, stating affirmations, or physically using scissors to cut a piece of string as a symbol of the connection.

5. How to block someone energetically?

To block someone energetically, visualize a shield or barrier surrounding you that protects you from their energies. Affirm your intention to block unwanted energies by saying something like, "I am protected and shielded from any energies that do not serve my highest good." Regular grounding and cleansing practices, like meditation and smudging, can also reinforce your energetic boundaries.