German New Medicine 101: Eye Health [Part 5]

German New Medicine 101: Eye Health [Part 5]

In the quest for understanding the intricate relationship between our health and our emotions, German New Medicine (GNM) presents a fascinating and distinctive perspective. Founded by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, GNM is not just another alternative health theory; it's a profound exploration into how emotional conflicts can manifest as physical conditions, including those affecting one of our most vital senses: vision. This blog post delves into the complex world of eye health through the lens of German New Medicine, offering insights into how this innovative approach interprets eye-related conditions.

GNM posits that every ailment, including those concerning the eyes, can be traced back to a specific emotional conflict, experienced as a shock or trauma. According to GNM, the nature of the conflict determines which part of the body will be affected, with the brain mediating between our emotions and physical symptoms. This connection is especially intriguing when it comes to eye health, as our eyes are not only windows to the world but also mirrors reflecting our innermost emotional states.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the fundamental concepts of GNM as they relate to eye health. We'll examine the biological conflicts linked to various eye conditions, delve into the detailed functions of different eye components from a GNM perspective, and shed light on how healing phases under GNM can provide a roadmap to recovery. Whether you're exploring GNM out of curiosity or seeking alternative explanations for eye-related issues, this post aims to broaden your understanding of the profound connections between our emotions and our vision.

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The Emotional Significance of Eye Components

macro photography of human eye
  • Tear Glands: In GNM, the tear glands are associated with "visual morsel conflicts," which relate to not being able to catch a visual morsel due to it being ignored by someone else. For instance, a child who desires a toy but is overlooked by the parents might experience such a conflict, leading to issues with tear gland function.
  • Retina: The retina, according to GNM, is linked to fears that cannot be shaken off. This might include the fear of losing a loved one or the fear of punishment. The retina's response to such conflicts involves functional loss, which can manifest as difficulties in seeing in low light levels or even more severe vision impairments.
  • Vitreous Body: GNM interprets issues with the vitreous body as stemming from a fear of a "predator" sneaking up from behind. This could be a metaphorical predator, such as a fear of someone with malevolent intentions or the literal fear of being followed.
  • Pupil Muscles: The dilation and constriction of the pupils are seen in GNM as responses to light-related morsel conflicts. For example, not being able to see because of insufficient light or being overwhelmed by too much light can trigger emotional conflicts that affect the pupil muscles.

The Role of Emotional Conflicts in Eye Conditions

German New Medicine posits that the onset of eye-related conditions follows a distinct pattern:

  1. Conflict Shock (DHS): An unexpected emotional shock or trauma that catches an individual off guard.
  2. Conflict-active Phase: The period immediately following the DHS, during which the body responds to the emotional conflict with physical changes or symptoms in the eyes, depending on the nature of the conflict.
  3. Resolution Phase (Healing Phase): Once the conflict is resolved, the body enters a healing phase, during which the symptoms experienced during the conflict-active phase are reversed or healed.

Eye Conditions Through GNM: A Detailed Breakdown

person's eyes

In the framework of German New Medicine (GNM), various eye conditions are understood as physical manifestations of emotional conflicts. Each condition is tied to a specific type of conflict, with real-life examples providing insight into how these issues present themselves. Here's a breakdown of common eye conditions, their associated conflicts according to GNM, and examples of how they manifest:

Stye (Hordeolum): Attack Conflict

  • Conflict: Feeling attacked or invaded in one’s personal space or dignity, often involving the eyes or one's perception.
  • Example: Someone criticizing your ability to "see" solutions or ideas could trigger an attack conflict, leading to the development of a stye as a physical manifestation of this emotional assault.
  • Manifestation: The formation of a painful, swollen lump on the eyelid, symbolizing the body's response to feeling "attacked."

Dry Eye Syndrome: Loss Conflict

  • Conflict: Emotional experiences of loss, abandonment, or a deep longing for someone or something that is no longer present.
  • Example: The loss of a significant relationship might result in dry eye syndrome, reflecting the internal feeling of dryness or emptiness without the loved one.
  • Manifestation: Persistent dryness, irritation, and a possible sensation of a foreign body in the eye, representing the emotional void or unshed tears.

Retinal Detachment: Fear Conflict

  • Conflict: Intense fear or anxiety about losing sight of something crucial, either metaphorically regarding insight or direction in life or literally fearing blindness.
  • Example: Fear of losing one's vision due to a high-risk job or activity might lead to retinal detachment, echoing the fear of not seeing or being able to look ahead.
  • Manifestation: Symptoms include a sudden appearance of floaters, flashes of light, and a shadow over the visual field, mirroring the fear and the perceived threat of losing sight.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Separation Conflict

  • Conflict: Struggles with separation, feeling cut off from visual contact or connection with someone important.
  • Example: A child starting school and feeling separated from their parents might develop conjunctivitis, symbolizing the desire to maintain visual and emotional contact.
  • Manifestation: Redness, swelling, and discharge from the eyes, as if crying out for reconnection or expressing the pain of separation.

Myopia (Nearsightedness): Fear of "Not Seeing" Conflict

  • Conflict: Fear or anxiety about not seeing a danger coming or not being able to foresee or avoid a negative outcome.
  • Example: Anxiety about failing to notice critical details in one's work or personal life could lead to myopia, reflecting the fear of metaphorical blindness to potential threats.
  • Manifestation: Blurred distance vision, symbolizing the internal conflict of not being able to "see" or anticipate future events clearly.
woman with head resting on hand

Cataracts: Visual Separation Conflict

  • Conflict: Experiencing a significant loss or separation from a person or object that one desires to keep in sight.
  • Example: The gradual loss of connection with a close friend or family member moving away might lead to the development of cataracts, reflecting the clouding of vision both metaphorically and physically.
  • Manifestation: The lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to decreased vision, symbolizing the emotional cloudiness or inability to see the loved one clearly.

Glaucoma: Fear Conflict

  • Conflict: An underlying fear of being attacked or overwhelmed by a situation perceived as threatening.
  • Example: Living in constant fear of a looming threat, such as a job loss or a potential break-in, can trigger glaucoma, indicating the pressure one feels to protect themselves from the perceived danger.
  • Manifestation: Increased pressure in the eye that can lead to optic nerve damage and vision loss, representing the internal pressure and anxiety faced by the individual.

Macular Degeneration: Fear of Losing Central Focus Conflict

  • Conflict: Fear of losing focus on what is most important or central in one's life.
  • Example: Anxiety over losing sight of one's goals or life direction, perhaps due to aging or life changes, might manifest as macular degeneration, reflecting the fear of not being able to see one's way forward clearly.
  • Manifestation: Loss of central vision, making it difficult to see fine details, symbolizing the loss of focus on the central aspects of one's life.

Eye Floaters: Conflict of Not Wanting to See Certain Aspects

  • Conflict: A desire to ignore or avoid seeing certain unpleasant realities or truths.
  • Example: Choosing to overlook a partner's flaws or denying an uncomfortable truth about oneself could lead to the appearance of eye floaters, as if physically manifesting the desire to block out unwanted visual information.
  • Manifestation: Small shapes or spots that drift through one's field of vision, representing the things one wishes to avoid seeing or acknowledging.
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Resolving Eye Conflicts

a man holding a pair of glasses up to his face

Identifying the Root Conflict:

  • Emotional Reflection: Each eye condition is believed to correspond with a specific type of "conflict shock" or emotional trauma. Identifying the underlying emotional issue is the first step. For instance, feeling "overlooked" or not wanting to see a particular aspect of your life may lead to eye ailments.

Conflict Resolution Strategies:

  • Emotional Processing: Work through the identified conflicts through therapy, journaling, or meditative practices. The goal is to address and process these emotional disturbances consciously.
  • Visualization and Positive Affirmations: Visualize the resolution of your conflict while using positive affirmations to reinforce your emotional and physical healing.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Make changes in your life that remove or alleviate the source of the conflict. This might mean setting boundaries, changing relationships, or altering professional paths.

Supporting Eye Health in Accordance with GNM:

  • Nutritional Support: Aligning with the advice given above, nourish your body with foods rich in vitamins and minerals essential for eye health. This supports the body's healing process. (See in the Section of Natural Remedies for Eye Health below)
  • Environmental Changes: Reduce exposure to stressors that might trigger or exacerbate eye conditions. This includes managing screen time, improving lighting conditions, and ensuring your sleep environment promotes restfulness.
  • Embrace Nature: Spend time in natural settings to help reduce stress and provide visual relaxation. Natural landscapes offer a break from the strain of artificial lighting and screens.
  • Mind-Body Techniques: Engage in practices that foster a mind-body connection, such as yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong, which can help release stored emotions and stress affecting eye health.

Community and Support:

  • Seek Support: Sharing experiences and emotions with supportive friends, family, or support groups can significantly aid in resolving conflicts. Sometimes, just voicing your feelings and concerns can provide relief and clarity.
  • Professional Guidance: For conflicts that are deeply rooted and challenging to overcome alone, seeking help from a GNM practitioner or a therapist who respects the GNM philosophy can provide tailored guidance and support.

Natural Remedies for Common Eye Conditions to Support Eye Health during the Healing Phase

Incorporating natural remedies for eye health can provide relief and support healing for various eye conditions without relying on conventional medications that may come with side effects. Here's an expanded guide to natural treatments for specific eye ailments:

1. Conjunctivitis and Uveitis:

  • Colloidal Silver Drops: For bacterial infections like pink eye, colloidal silver drops applied directly to the eye can offer rapid antimicrobial effects.
  • Zinc: Taking zinc supplements supports immune function, aiding in the healing process.

2. Digital Eye Strain:

  • Blue Light Filter Apps: Use f.lux or similar software to reduce eye strain from screen time.
  • Proper Workspace Lighting: Ensuring your workspace is well-lit can prevent unnecessary strain.
  • Essential Minerals: Address potential deficiencies in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B1 to improve sleep quality and reduce eye redness.

4. Allergies:

  • Vitamin A and D: These vitamins, especially found in cod liver oil, can reduce allergic reactions affecting the eyes.

5. Autoimmune Eye Issues:

  • Vitamin D3: This vitamin acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, helpful in autoimmune-related eye conditions.

6. Vascular Concerns (Hemorrhaging):

  • Vitamin C and K: Essential for vascular health, these vitamins support the integrity of blood vessels in the eyes.

7. Dry Eyes:

  • Vitamin A Sources: Fatty fish, egg yolks, and cod liver oil are excellent sources. If issues persist, consider bile salts to enhance vitamin A absorption.

8. Night Blindness:

  • Vitamin A: Crucial for preventing night blindness, found in liver and dark leafy greens.

9. Styes:

  • Garlic: Rubbing a slice of garlic on a stye can act as a natural antibiotic, offering relief from inflammation.

10. Blepharitis (Inflamed Eyelids):

  • Colloidal Silver: Applied directly to the inflamed eyelids, colloidal silver acts as a potent natural antimicrobial agent without the drawbacks of antibiotic resistance.

11. Cataracts:

  • Fat-Soluble Vitamin B1: This special form of B1 can penetrate cell membranes to aid in repairing cataracts and improving vision.
  • NAC Drops (N-Acetyl Carnosine): These drops can help repair the lens of the eye, addressing cloudiness and improving clarity.

12. Photophobia (Light Sensitivity):

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Found in nutritional yeast, it can manage light sensitivity effectively.

13. Keratitis and Inflammation:

  • B Vitamins: Addressing B vitamin deficiencies can mitigate various inflammatory conditions of the eye.

FAQs about GNM perspective on Eye Health

What is German New Medicine (GNM) and how does it relate to eye health?

German New Medicine (GNM) is an approach to health and disease developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. It posits that diseases, including those affecting the eyes, are caused by specific emotional conflicts. According to GNM, resolving these underlying conflicts can lead to healing. For eye health, this means understanding the emotional roots behind conditions like conjunctivitis, dry eyes, or cataracts to address and resolve them effectively.

Can emotional conflicts really cause eye conditions?

According to GNM, yes. The theory suggests that specific types of emotional conflicts are directly related to different eye conditions. For example, a conflict related to not wanting to see something might manifest as conjunctivitis, while a fear of a predator sneaking up might affect the vitreous body. Addressing these emotional conflicts is seen as a pathway to resolving the physical symptoms.

How can I identify the emotional conflict related to my eye condition?

Identifying the conflict involves introspection and reflection on recent or ongoing stressful events or emotional struggles that correlate with the onset of your eye condition. GNM provides a framework for understanding which types of conflicts are associated with different parts of the eye and their conditions, which can guide you in pinpointing the potential emotional roots of your symptoms.

What are some GNM-based recommendations for improving eye health?

Beyond traditional treatments, GNM encourages addressing the emotional conflicts underlying eye conditions. This can involve personal reflection, therapy, or counseling to work through emotional issues. Additionally, GNM suggests practical health advice such as using natural remedies like colloidal silver for infections or ensuring adequate intake of vitamins A, C, D, and B1 for overall eye health.

Is it safe to follow GNM practices instead of conventional medical treatments for eye conditions?

While GNM offers an alternative perspective on health and disease, it is crucial to approach health care holistically and safely. This means considering GNM insights as complementary to conventional medicine rather than a substitute. Always consult with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your health regimen, especially for serious eye conditions that may require medical intervention.