Holistic Healing In German New Medicine: How To Manage Symptoms

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Many people are fascinated by German New Medicine and its unique approach to what symptoms mean in our bodies. It’s an enlightening perspective, showing us how our emotional conflicts can manifest physically.

But learning about these conflicts is just the start, and it’s common to feel a bit lost on what to do next.

Yes, you understand why you are feeling unwell and what emotional conflict is the reason, but how do you actually help your body heal based on the GNM perspective?

We wrote this blog post to fill that gap. Here, we'll move from theory to practice, offering practical and holistic advice to guide you through your body’s natural healing process.

1. About German New Medicine

German New Medicine (GNM) is a revolutionary approach to health and disease that reshapes our understanding of bodily symptoms and their causes.

Developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, GNM suggests that diseases are biologically meaningful processes stemming from specific psychological conflicts.

In essence, there are two primary phases of disease in GNM: the conflict-active phase and the healing phase. During the conflict-active phase, a shock or trauma triggers biological responses, often without noticeable symptoms.

However, once the conflict is resolved, the body enters the healing phase, which is marked by various symptoms.

Contrary to traditional medical perspectives that view these symptoms as signs of illness, GNM sees them as indicators of the body's natural recovery process.

2. Understand And Surrender To Symptoms

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In German New Medicine, symptoms are not merely disturbances but signals indicating that the body has entered the healing phase. These manifestations are often misunderstood as ailments but they actually signify the body's natural process of recovery after resolving a psychological conflict.

However, fear and resistance to these symptoms can create a counterproductive cycle. Such emotional responses may lead to additional psychological conflicts, which in turn can cause recurring or new symptoms.

To break this cycle, it is essential to adopt an attitude of acceptance and surrender. By understanding that symptoms are a positive indication of recovery, you can support your body's healing process more effectively and have a healthier relationship with your physical self.

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3. Use Pharmaceutical Interventions With Caution

While German New Medicine laws encourage a natural approach to healing, it recognize that pharmaceutical interventions may be necessary in certain scenarios.

This is particularly true when multiple conflicts resolve simultaneously, potentially leading to intense and even dangerous symptoms. In such cases, medications can provide crucial relief and stability.

However, it's important to clarify that within the GNM framework, pharmaceuticals are NOT viewed as a long-term solution to health issues.

Instead, they are considered temporary aids to manage acute symptoms during critical moments of the healing process.

I need to include a disclaimer here: this perspective on medications does not replace professional medical advice.

Disclaimer: You should consult with a healthcare provider to make informed decisions about the use of pharmaceuticals, ensuring that such interventions are appropriate and necessary for their specific health circumstances.

4. Practice Mindfulness And Connect To Yourself

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Mindfulness practices serve as powerful tools in German New Medicine, promoting inner peace and aiding in the resolution of underlying psychological conflicts that manifest as physical symptoms.

By having a mindful approach to daily life, you can become more attuned to your emotional states and thought patterns, identifying and addressing the root causes of your health issues.

To enhance your body awareness and foster emotional balance, some mindfulness exercises can be especially beneficial:

  • Body Scan Meditation: This practice involves mentally scanning your body from head to toe, observing any sensations, tensions, or discomforts. This can help identify areas where conflict might be manifesting physically and encourages a mindful release of tension.
  • Focused Breathing: Simple yet effective, focusing on the breath helps center the mind and reduce stress. You can do this exercise anywhere and anytime to quickly return to a state of balance and calmness.
  • Mindful Walking: Integrating mindfulness into walking can transform a simple activity into a therapeutic practice. By paying attention to the sensation of each step and the environment around you, this exercise grounds you in the present moment, reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity.

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5. Rest And Have Nurturing Sleep

Rest and sleep play crucial roles in the healing process according to German New Medicine, facilitating efficient recovery and regeneration of the body.

During sleep, the body intensifies its reparative and restorative functions, which are vital for overcoming the effects of resolved conflicts. To enhance the quality of sleep, it is beneficial to create a calm and serene sleeping environment. This can be achieved by maintaining a cool, quiet, and dark room.

Additionally, establishing a consistent sleep routine helps regulate the body's internal clock, promoting better sleep cycles.

Practices such as avoiding caffeine and electronic devices before bedtime, engaging in relaxing activities like reading or meditation, and maintaining regular sleeping and waking times contribute significantly to improved sleep quality, supporting the body's natural healing processes.

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6. Do Gentle Exercises And Connect With Nature

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Incorporating gentle movement and establishing a connection with nature are vital components of the healing process in German New Medicine.

Doing mild physical activities such as stretching, soft yoga, or walking can significantly enhance physical and mental health. These activities promote circulation, flexibility, and emotional release, helping you to reduce the stresses that may have contributed to the original conflict.

Sunlight exposure is another crucial aspect of healing. The benefits of sunlight extend beyond vitamin D synthesis; exposure to natural light can improve your mood, regulate your sleep patterns, and strengthen the immune system. This exposure is essential in helping your body maintain a peaceful, conflict-free state, which is essential for recovery.

Moreover, spending time in nature itself has therapeutic effects. Natural settings provide a serene backdrop that can help reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature can act as a natural antidote to the stressors of daily life, accelerating the body's recovery process by providing a calming and rejuvenating environment.

Whether it's a quiet walk in the park, a hike through the woods, or simply sitting in a garden, connecting with nature is a powerful way to support your body's journey toward health and equilibrium.

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7. Use Complementary Therapies

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Complementary therapies can be a crucial part of managing symptoms and promoting healing in the framework of German New Medicine.

Techniques such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often referred to as tapping, can be particularly effective. EFT involves tapping specific points on the body while focusing on particular negative emotions or physical symptoms. This process helps you to alleviate fear, limiting beliefs, and emotional blocks, facilitating a smoother transition through the healing phase.

It is important to emphasize that therapies are not intended to treat the disease itself directly. Instead, their role is to help you move through the healing phase more comfortably and effectively by releasing emotional or psychological blockages that may hinder recovery.

By using practices like EFT, you can address the root causes of your symptoms at an emotional and psychological level, promoting overall well-being and speeding the healing process.

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Final Thoughts

In German New Medicine, the understanding of symptoms is radically shifted from signs of worsening illness to indicators of the body's natural healing process.

This perspective encourages us to view the recovery phase not as a battle against disease, but as a necessary, biologically meaningful response to previously unresolved conflicts.

Embracing this viewpoint can significantly change how we approach our health and wellness, shifting from fear and frustration to acceptance and cooperation with our body's innate wisdom.

Your symptoms are not your enemies but guides, leading you toward greater health and well-being!

Frequently Asked Questions About GNM

1. What is the German New Medicine concept?

German New Medicine (GNM) is a medical theory developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer that views disease as the body's meaningful response to psychological conflicts. According to GNM, every illness, including its development and healing process, originates from an unexpected emotional shock or trauma.

2. What are German healing techniques?

In the context of German New Medicine, healing techniques involve understanding the emotional root of diseases and supporting the body's natural healing process. This includes practices like mindfulness, gentle physical activity, and optimizing sleep, all aimed at resolving the underlying psychological conflicts that trigger symptoms.

3. What is GNM healing?

GNM healing refers to the process by which the body recovers from diseases by resolving psychological conflicts, as outlined in German New Medicine. This healing involves transitioning from a conflict-active phase, where the body reacts to emotional trauma, to a healing phase, where symptoms manifest as the body repairs itself.

4. What is GNM disease?

In German New Medicine, a GNM disease is viewed not as a malfunction or error of the body, but as a special biological program that activates in response to an emotional conflict. Each disease corresponds to a specific type of conflict, with precise symptoms that reflect the body’s attempt to resolve this conflict.