German New Medicine 101: Female Breast [Part 14]

German New Medicine Female Breast - Sage Sistas

German New Medicine (GNM) is an approach that looks at diseases as responses to emotional shocks or conflicts. According to GNM, problems related to the female breast are often caused by deep emotional issues such as separation and nest-worry conflicts.

So, in today's GNM 101 series, we'll talk about the female breast in German New Medicine.

Female Breast In German New Medicine

German New Medicine (GNM) offers a unique perspective on health, suggesting that diseases arise from emotional conflicts. It sees the female breast not just as an organ for lactation but also as deeply connected to nurturing and emotional roles.

In GNM, conditions affecting the breast are viewed through the lens of relational and protective conflicts, reflecting its dual role in both physical and emotional nurturing. This approach shifts the focus from merely treating symptoms to understanding the emotional roots underlying breast-related health issues.

The Function Of The Female Breast

woman breast feeding her baby in nature - German New Medicine Female Breast - Sage Sistas

The female breast is primarily made up of glandular tissues that produce milk, along with fat and connective tissues. It plays a key role in feeding infants.

According to German New Medicine (GNM), the health of the breast is closely linked to emotional issues related to nurturing and protection. GNM suggests that certain areas of the brain that process emotions are connected to breast functions, affecting breast health based on emotional well-being.

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What Are The Main Emotional Conflicts Affecting The Female Breast?

In German New Medicine, the "nest-worry conflict" relates to concerns about a loved one's well-being, impacting the breast glands which might manifest as lumps or other glandular disorders. This conflict reflects deep maternal or nurturing worries.

The "separation conflict" involves emotional distress due to feeling separated from a loved one, affecting the milk ducts, and potentially leading to conditions like blocked ducts.

These conflicts highlight how deeply emotional stresses are believed to influence physical breast health.

Female Breast Diseases And Emotional Conflicts Causing Them

1. Breast Cancer (Glandular)
Linked to a "nest-worry conflict," which involves deep concerns about a loved one's well-being.

2. Breast Cancer (Ductal)
Associated with "separation conflicts," reflecting emotional pain from feeling disconnected or apart from a loved one.

3. Mastitis
Often connected to an "attack conflict," where a woman feels personally attacked or her breast feels attacked (e.g., rough handling during breastfeeding).

4. Fibroadenoma
Linked to a "stuck conflict," involving a situation where the individual feels stuck or trapped, unable to move forward.

5. Breast Cysts
Typically associated with "stagnation conflicts," where emotional stagnation or unresolved issues manifest physically as cysts.

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Breast Cancer In German New Medicine

In German New Medicine, breast cancer is viewed through emotional conflicts specific to the affected breast tissue.

For glandular breast cancer, it's related to a "nest-worry conflict," where issues concern deep care or worry for a loved one. In contrast, ductal breast cancer is linked to "separation conflicts," tied to feelings of detachment or distance from someone close.

GNM suggests these cancers serve a biological purpose: they are the body's attempt to adapt to unresolved emotional distress, aiming to enhance the breast's function in response to these perceived needs.

Conflict-Active Phase And Healing Phase In GNM

During the conflict-active phase in German New Medicine, the cells in the breast may proliferate or degenerate depending on the nature of the emotional conflict. For example, in a nest-worry conflict, there might be cell growth in the glandular tissue.

In the healing phase, after the conflict is resolved, the body tries to repair itself, which can lead to temporary complications like cysts and inflammation as the tissue returns to normal.

These stages are critical for understanding how emotional resolution can lead to physical changes and recovery.

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Natural Remedies For Female Breast Health

dried green tea in a wood spoon - German New Medicine Female Breast - Sage Sistas

For natural remedies aimed at supporting breast health and addressing breast diseases, consider the following:

  1. Flaxseed: Contains lignans that may have anti-estrogen effects and help reduce breast cancer risk.
  2. Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants, it may help prevent the development of breast tumors.
  3. Turmeric: Contains curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent cancerous changes.
  4. Vitamin D: Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels is linked to a lower risk of breast cancer.
  5. Exercise: Regular physical activity can help balance hormones and reduce cancer risk.
Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or diet, especially if you have an existing health condition or are undergoing conventional treatment for breast diseases.

SUPER TIPP: EFT (Emotional freedom technique)

This simple yet effective method involves tapping on specific points on the body, linked to the meridians used in traditional acupuncture. By tapping these points while concentrating on emotional stress or pain, many find significant reductions in anxiety, stress, and physical discomfort.

Please watch the tutorial above to learn more about how you can incorporate this technique into your daily routine for enhanced well-being.

According to GNM, resolving the underlying emotional conflicts is crucial for the healing process. The theory suggests that once these conflicts are addressed, symptoms may be reduced or the condition might even resolve, emphasizing the interconnection between emotional health and physical symptoms.

  • Focus on identifying and addressing the specific emotional conflicts associated with breast conditions, such as "nest worry" or "separation" conflicts.
  • Try various therapy techniques like art therapy to express your feelings. Or try emotional freedom techniques such as somatic healing to release your stored emotions and trauma.

Final Words

In conclusion, German New Medicine offers a unique perspective on female breast-related conditions, emphasizing the role of emotional conflicts in their development. By identifying and addressing these conflicts, GNM seeks to not only alleviate symptoms but potentially resolve underlying issues, highlighting the deep connection between emotional well-being and physical health.

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Frequently Asked Questions About GNM

1. What is the German New Medicine concept?

German New Medicine (GNM) is an approach that views diseases as the body's meaningful responses to unresolved emotional conflicts, proposing that understanding and resolving these conflicts can lead to healing.

2. What is the conflict theory of German New Medicine?

The conflict theory in GNM suggests that diseases arise when an individual experiences a shock or emotional conflict that the body interprets biologically, leading to physical symptoms as it tries to cope.

3. What are German healing techniques?

German healing techniques in the context of GNM involve identifying the emotional conflicts behind illnesses and using therapies like art therapy, narrative therapy, and emotional freedom techniques to resolve these conflicts and support healing.

4. What is the GNM treatment?

GNM treatment focuses on resolving the specific emotional conflicts that are believed to cause diseases. It includes therapeutic methods that help the patient address and process these conflicts to aid the body’s natural healing process.

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